loggia life

March 31st 2016 Comments: 7 Topics: , , ,

mcclellan-006A loggia, by architectural definition, is a covered exterior gallery or corridor with an outer wall open to the elements, which is usually supported by a series of columns or arches.

Narrower than a porch, it’s typically used for traveling from one building to the next tented from harsh elements.   It seems to me, however, that loggias shelter more than mere circulatory function.  Romance and intrigue traverse these paths.  In the movies, for instance, it’s the space where secret plots are formulated or unrequited passions whispered.  It’s the architectural avenue that allows you to complete a full thought or perhaps become enlightened.  The loggia offers the best of both worlds – fortress on one side and the vastness of open air on the other.  It’s almost like a parent, bequeathing a child ever-present asylum and simultaneously presenting the wonders of the big world.

Comfort and possibility all in one journey.

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Greg Tankersley,



  1. Cathi says:

    Absolutely gorgeous!

  2. It’s the time of year here in Southern California for enjoying outdoor spaces a bit more. These are lovely.

  3. Rhonda Summerlin says:

    Incredibly beautiful. Would adore having so much outdoor living area & the privacy the loggia affords.

  4. Indigo says:

    Beautiful architecture, but your comments are so well written. Totally engaging.

  5. Tom Ellicott says:

    Sublime. Thanks for this!

  6. Greg Burkey says:

    Beautiful- warm, inviting, and serene.

  7. Peggy mussafer says:

    Am so proud of the work Bobby and Greg have given to the world, they give of themselves unselfishly with their memorable structures

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