
July 9th 2015 Comments: 3 Topics: , , ,
Quattuor: Latin for cardinal or four.


The 30A corridor of Florida’s panhandle is hot. No, not just because it’s July on the Gulf Coast. It’s because this area’s beach real estate market continues to set new design standards. It began with the picturesque ‘New Urban Development” of Seaside in the mid 1980s. Rosemary Beach quickly followed on those innovative urban planning coattails and now, Alys beach is set to be the new standard (we have four houses currently on the boards in Alys Beach alone.)

A few years ago, we designed a small development on the South side of 30 Right next door to Rosemary Beach. We named it “Quattuor”. It consists of four identical four bedroom houses, each with a pool, cabana and 2 car garage. The concept was the whole was more powerful than the individual – a quartet singing in unison sounds better than four people singing different songs. It’s perfect for a family compound or four inseparable families. The development is currently available for sale complete with a development order in place. Also, the development order is grandfathered in which allows this site more lenience than is normally available to projects in this area.

If you’re interested in this special development, contact Keith Flippo at the PPG Group at Keith Flippo at keith@theppg.net for details. You can view the complete sales listing here.













Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley


  1. Center courtyard….an oasis is needed.Plant for investment a scale..Use Med Fan Palms in clusters[max is 12′ to 14′ in height],they are good investments.Plant for what it’s going to look like for winter ..evergreen setting.That way you’ll know it’s always goin to look good.It should be a lush oasis…I absolutely love the architecture.Give the c-yard and solid good conservative investment of evergreen.Theatrical drama..staged setting.They’ll buy the whole package deal.You are leading them into a solid aesthetic world of conscious,subconscious beauty…I’d never leave

  2. Elegant and thoughtful design is timeless. Kudos.

    Scott McNelley

  3. Kris Kendrick says:

    Always one of my obsessions, frankly.

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