American Idyll

July 2nd 2015 Comments: 6 Topics: , , ,

With sincere apologies to Mom and apple pie, I think nothing is more American than a good old lake house.
Scores of bucolic lakes pepper the landscape of this great country so once the pilgrims figured out how to survive (thanks Native Americans), the next step in American evolution was kicking it back lakeside.  We dragged along with us tents and then erected meager huts, simple places to shelter us from the rain so we could stare out at the calm view, mouths agape, allowing the water to wash our minds clean.


The lake house is a particular mutt. Part house, part shack and part camp, its lazy frame is typically clad in humble garments – close-at-hand wood and stone. Pomp and pride are left back in town – a good lake house has no point to prove, no lecture to make, no insistent demands – it only offers quiet interlude. From pioneer days to high-tech days, we Americans have always toiled hard. Every chance we get, we drag our weary bones to the water’s edge to drink rejuvenation. A tireless Ponce De Leon searched high and low for the legendary Fountain of Youth. Look around. It’s probably not far from your doorstep.



Untitled 1 copy





Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley


  1. Kathi odom says:

    Love this!
    Hit the nail on the head!
    Our lake home is our getaway!
    Thanks for that!

  2. I took this pic! Lol… Happy 4th of July!!!

  3. I wish we were spending the 4th in one of these beauties. There is something so calming about a house situated on the water. Thank you for lowering my blood pressure by simply reading your post. 🙂

  4. dean says:

    Amazing inspriration..
    Any possibility on letting us know the paint color? I’m trying to figure it out! About to paint our house!

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