cabana, boy

February 10th 2012 Comments: 5 Topics:

“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.” -Jane Austen

To begin with, let me say that we love designing cabanas.

In the midst of the everyday task of juggling complex programs, all the while trying to make things look simple and elegant, the lone pool cabana asks for little.  Sure, they must house the occasional fireplace or bathroom or two but, in the grand scheme of things, its sole purpose is be a shady temple dedicated to sloth.

That’s why they are the dessert of the design meal.  Once we’ve digested the proteins and roughage of the house (also known as kitchens, baths and master closets), the cabana waits for us at the end of the struggle, full of empty calories and ready to tickle the imaginative palate.

As a prominent out-building, it serves as a condensed version of the architecture of the manor house;  a stylistic demi-glace of all that resides at the grown-ups’ table.  It has all the fun with none of the attitude.  It’s sort of like having your vacation home in the backyard.  You can track wet feet in there without getting yelled at.

Cabanas are the modern day version of the simple hut.  Unlike the house, they don’t hermetically  seal us up, double glazed in artificial environments.  They offer shade and shelter.  Plain and simple.  Breezes blow through, the mind shuts off and drinks are served.

At the end of the day (or week), they are welcome refuges for the world weary, ready to shield you in their quirky, charming embrace.

Follies, beautifully lounging in the landscape, requiring nothing but giving so very much.


  1. Kathy says:

    First time visitor (via comments MFAMB) and I’m already an awful guest. Letting my sticky fingers hijack those two perfectly planted pots in pic one. The blue spruce(?) topiaries and that pendant are worth a stint in the poky. Thanks for sharing…I’ll be back k

  2. So excited to read the new blog! Beautiful images. I look forward to reading and seeing more.

    Have a great week!

  3. Thank you for writing a blog about your beautiful and inspiring homes!
    I look forward to following all of your projects.

    xo, Lissy Parker ltd.

  4. So excited to see you blogging!

  5. What a beautiful and magical description of the cabana …

    “You can track wet feet in there without getting yelled at … Breezes blow through, the mind shuts off and drinks are served … Welcome refuges for the world weary, ready to shield you in their quirky, charming embrace.”

    I could FEEL it inside when I was reading this and it connected to something familiar inside. Refreshing, light and free …I absolutely know that feeling of respite … Your work is done and all is well with the world in that moment … you unwind, with a drink in your hand and no one to answer to. You captured it perfectly between your words and imagery.

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