Behind the Curtain

March 7th 2023 Comments: 6 Topics: , ,

As the Wizard says in The Wizard of Oz: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

Well, let’s do! In anticipation of the release of our new book later this month, we wanted to give you a little peek behind our curtain—what happens at a photo shoot. Ever wanted to know how we capture all those photos? Here’s a little glimpse…

It starts ages in advance. Coordinating calendars of the photo crew and our patient and wonderful clients. And then crossing our fingers that the weather is perfect.

Our crew consists of principal photographer, Simon Upton (who flies in from the UK to shoot for us), the marvelous Isabel Parra of New York, and yours truly as producer, stylist and gopher extraordinaire. It can take planes, trains and automobiles to get us to locations. We have found ourselves wading through water carrying equipment over our heads (even towing a boat), climbing countless ladders (even a few car roofs), coaxing all manner of creatures (including a pasture of water buffalo), dodging thunderstorms and hacking through fields of waist-high grasses—all to conjure the correct setting to capture our work in its best light.

In addition to Simon, we are grateful to our other contributing photographers for our new book: Roger Davies, William Abranowicz and Peter Vitale.

The book release date is March 21, 2023. We hope you have preordered your copy. If not, no worries, you can place your order here.

Please enjoy these few photos and this short funny video.

Richard Norris


  1. Becky says:

    Love your friend, and you’re pretty brave, too!💚💚💚 can’t wait to see the book!

  2. Cannot wait! I own all of your books.

  3. Kay Horrell says:

    Richard…loved the pics of YOU !!!
    Cannot wait to receive my book which was ordered as soon as it became available !!!!!💋💋

  4. Deborah Goldenstein says:

    The only event as thrilling as your architecture, is a new book by you showcasing these ethereal creations and the love of flora and fauna…cannot wait!

  5. Grace Hodges Barr says:

    Loved seeing these images, Richard, and your cute, smiling face again! Such good memories of photoshoots from days gone by. Eager to see the new book and add it to my “McAlpine” library. Congratulations all round, with much love! Grace

  6. Mary Robin Jurkiewicz says:

    LOVE all of this! And especially the photos of you.

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