slideshow & tell

January 22nd 2015 Comments: 11 Topics: ,

This week, the entire McAlpine family is congregating in Montgomery, Alabama.
All the partners and all the staffs from our Nashville, Atlanta and New York offices are making the pilgrimage to gather in the place where we first began over 30 years ago.

This, our first ever McAlpine office’s retreat, will feature talks, fellowship, cocktails, laughter and even bowling (many years ago, we had a really bad bowling team called “The McAl-pins” – I think I still may have the shirt). For this landmark event, I’m going to be giving a chat to show what the architecture arm of our business has been doing in recent years. I thought I’d share an abbreviated version of the slideshow I’ll be presenting.

Consider it a gift to our McAlpine blog-reading cousins.


Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley


  1. Monica says:

    Thank you! That was a treat.

  2. Enjoy !
    Great idea for time out together. Minnie

  3. Nancy Seale says:

    Beautiful done! This retreat will truly be a gathering of talent! Best wishes for many years to come!

  4. Linda says:

    Such a legacy! Simply amazing.

  5. Leslie Sutton says:

    Greg since I met you a month or so ago I’ve been dreaming about doing a project together someday soon. Can I come to your retreat? I could make some awesome treats or even set the pins ….. Have a wonderful time!!!

  6. Melinda says:

    I love your work!! And your blog posts, thank you 🙂

  7. Nancy Mitchell says:

    Thank you, Greg, for all of the wonderful photographs of houses that make me desire at my gut.

  8. Jan Luther says:

    How special to see part of the presentation. Work is just breathtaking.

  9. Sue says:

    A gathering? What a great idea! Fellowship of like-minded souls, spirits(cocktails) flowing and bowling—what fun! Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
    I appreciate the time you’ve taken in sharing this with us, Greg.

    P.S. What with dusting off your bowling skills and Bobby’s reputation for (ahem) “flowery” language, I thought of a new (hopefully, temporary) name for your bowling team, but keeping this post clean prevents me from sharing it.

  10. Kristine Eccles says:

    Congratulations on the past 30 years! You have created so many beautiful homes and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

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