leadership ahoy

November 12th 2013 Comments: 1 Topics: , ,

Last week Ray Booth, Susan Ferrier and I spent a few days in Manhattan attending the annual Design Leadership Network Summit.
2013-11-10_0001The DLN is an invited members-only group which brings together top leaders in the construction design world. As its website aptly states:

CARE: Connectivity, Advocacy, Research, and Education is the foundation of the Design Leadership Network, a community of interior designers, architects, landscape designers, construction managers, members of the media, and product company executives, who are among the highest-producing professionals in their industries. Membership provides access to this exclusive network through a proprietary member-only website, special events throughout the year, including the Design Leadership Summit, and research developed specifically for leaders of the design world.

It was the proverbial shot in the arm to be among professionals of such note.  We assembled in some of New York City’s toniest locations: The New York Public Library, Frank Gehry’s IAC building, The Hearst Tower and Avery Fisher Hall.  Discussion was lively with topics ranging from rapid changes in technology (and how to apply them), to predictions of social mores of the newest generation, to the vital importance of sleep in our lives (I particularly liked this pet soapbox elegantly presented by Arianna Huffington).  I learned from my peers that we have much in common:  While we’re fortunate to be extremely busy (if we’re any type of economic indicator, it’s doing well) we all yearn to find balance and create opportunities for happiness in our daily journey.  A deep passion for design and commitment to making our client’s lives graceful and beautiful was a consistent thread in the air.  Needless to say, being amongst like-minded souls buoyed my spirit and truly sparked my imagination.

A few snapshots from the Summit:


Greg Tankersley for McAlpine Tankersley

1 comment

  1. What a wonderful experience. Really wonderful. Take all of this in, soak it up, no one can over-learn.

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