all the shingle ladies

July 2nd 2013 Comments: 0 Topics: , , , ,

Like Mom’s apple pie, the shingle style house is a unique American invention.

Created here in the good old USA, houses of this ilk populate our every coastline, their lineage traced from charming sea shanties to sprawling mansions – a virtual family tree of tree-clad structures. Romantic by nature and beloved by many, this style’s architectural evolution was not a result of aesthetics, but of function – a combination of the abundance of the cedar tree and its intrinsic resistance to the tough sea environment. Cedar shingles provide excellent protection against the harsh salt air and this severe climate weathers them to their classic driftwood coloration. A defining characteristic of the classic Shingle style house is an unassuming nature; its seemingly haphazard spirit is made all the more charming clothed in scales of tree shards. Like a shaggy mutt, they’re friendly, quiet and seem to lie in the sun lolling the day away. That’s why houses of this type are perfect as a waterside retreat. Their demeanor  welcomes tracked-in sand, wet towels and recklessly abandoned flip flops.

Whatever place you find yourself harbored this holiday, we wish you a happy and safe Fourth! Celebrate your precious freedom in style.

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Greg Tankersley, for McAlpine Tankersley Architecture


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