fire place settings

November 27th 2012 Comments: 4 Topics: , ,
He who wants to warm himself in old age must build a fireplace in his youth – German proverb

As the chill of winter sets in and the holidays trot toward full gallop, nothing extends a welcome to family and friends like a blazing fire. The focus and bookend of all great rooms, the mantel and its hearth beckon visitors to warm the hands and soul.  After all, any drink and conversation made fireside are always elevated.  They transform from mundane to magical and memorable.  Nothing is so primal and so comforting as places to rest circled around a roaring fireplace.  Its basic, elemental nature seems to call out to our collective unconscious, stirring thoughts from cavemen to scouting.  So pull up a chair or a stool, gaze into the fiery maw, toast the toes and fire the mind.  While you’re at it, turn off the TV.


  1. Patricia Allen says:

    Wonderful article. Do you have any info on the chair in the last photo? Stunning. Is it an antique or a reproduction?Many thanks,Patricia F Allen Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:36:32 +0000 To:

  2. As always beautiful and perfectly timely! Wishing you a wonderful Holiday season!


  3. Eric says:

    Perfect post for today – as it’s lightly snowing here in cold NYC today! I feel much warmer & toastier after scrolling through – Cheers!

  4. Karen Cilman says:

    these photos of fireplaces are inspirational – and warming!

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